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First and only Korean osteopath
Trained and Registered in the UK


PhD in Rehabilitation Science
Researcher for wellness & wellbeing


Trained and Qualified in the UK



Pilates Instructor 
Advisor for Pilates Association in Korea


Posture education at international schools
Lecturer at Uni. and Institute for medical professionals

"J'ai commence mon travail de re-education avec Jospeh apres m'etre fait opéré du ligament antérieur et du menisque de mon genou. Son programme et ses conseils m'ont permis de récupérer rapidement et de recommencer a faire du sport de facon intensive a peine 9 mois apres mon operation sans douleur ou inconfort. La bonne humeur et la capacite d'écoute et d'empathie de Joseph ont fait de nos rendez-vous un moment agréable et éducatif. Je le recommanderais les yeux fermés."


- Matthieu A. 


" Ich bin seit Herbst 2013 bei Joseph Kim in osteopathischer Behandlung und bin sehr froh, daß ich in Seoul sein englischsprachiges Osteopathieangebot gefunden habe. Von Joseph Kim erhalte ich bei Bedarf auch kurzfristig einen Termin und er nimmt sich immer so lange Zeit, bis es mir - langanhaltend - besser geht. Zudem schätze ich sehr, daß er mir die Grundlagen seiner Arbeit erklärt und ihre Wirkung mit weiteren Informationen über Haltung, geeignete Übungen und Nährstoffbedarf verstärkt. Sein Tip, in Korea wegen des dort auftretenden Mangels zusätzlich Vitamin D zu nehmen, hat zu einer schlagartigen Besserung meiner Muskelverspannungen geführt. Insofern empfehle ich Joseph Kim sehr gerne weiter."


- Prof. Birgit D.

  Seoul National University


" I was treated by Joseph Kim for back ache during my pregnancy and post pregnancy. He was very helpful and professional and sorted my back ache out completely. I can't recommend him enough."


- Elizabeth V. 

 British Embassy Seoul

" I sat down with Dr. Joseph Kim, the Osteopathic specialist, for a pretty in depth look and education on my bone and muscle structure. As one of the only outside-licensed and practicing Osteopathic doctors in Korea who specializes in pregnancy and post-partum care among other things, he is one of the most unique aspects about the center and definitely the person for me. Baby, I love you, but gosh my back aches. Not only is he clearly educated and knows what he’s talking about, but he was able to explain things in simple terms for me, which I’ve generally noticed a lack of among Korean doctors who spout out medical jargon like it’s their job, (yeah I know it is), but can’t simplify it for the common man or woman. Through a subtle technique of questions and light touch, Dr. Kim was able to determine some “problem” areas and gently coaxed my spine into a more comfortable position and followed that up with recommending some exercises and lifestyle choices to make to continue in order to maintain a healthy body. As he explained, everything is connected and while my trapezius muscles might be sore, that’s not necessarily where I need to focus to relieve the stress that’s in that location. I left feeling knowledgeable, energized and ready to make some slight adjustments in my daily life for a generally healthier outcome."


- Blog of The Soul of Seoul

     Dr. Joseph Kim's

       Osteo Care




D.O, M.Ost, Ph.D


  • Master in Osteopathy

  • Diploma in Osteopathy

  • Diploma in Naturopathy



  • Doctor of Philosophy in Rehabilitation Science

Recent Continuing Medical Education


  • Paediatric Osteopathic Treatment, France (2015)

  • Advanced OMT for Internal Diseases, Int'l Osteopathic Congress, Milan (2013) 

  • Residential course of Immunology, University of Oxford (2011)

  • Credit course of Medical Physiology, University of Cambridge (2010)

  • Residential course of Brain Diseases, University of Cambridge (2010)



London & Seoul

Intern Osteopath

  • BCOM Frazer Clinic, London

  • BCOM Lief House Clinic, London

  • Soho Centre for Health & Care, London


Osteopathic Consultant, Advisor & Co-operation

  • Natural Paediatric Center, Seoul

  • Integrate Medical Center, Korea University Hospital, Seoul

  • Create Wellness Center, Seoul

Recent Clinical Activities

  • Clinical Tutor for French Intern Osteopath from College of Sutherland, Nantes, France (2013)

  • Lecturer for Medical professionals at Korean Osteopathic Institute (2012- present)



Spine & Joint

Research Conference


  • Chairman & Key speaker, First Asia-Pacific Conference of Osteopathic Medicine, Seoul (2014)

  • Oral Presentation, 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Public Health, Seoul (2014)

  • Oral Presentation, International Congress of Osteoapthy, Milan (2013)

  • Guest speaker, Pain Reseach Society Conferenc, Seoul (2012-13)




Research Award (2014)

'The Best Research Presentation',  Award of the Minister of The Ministry  of Health and Welfare, Republic of Korea

 Kim et al. (2014). Rehabilitation with osteopathic manipulative treatment  after lumbar disc surgery: A randomized, controlled pilot study. 

International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine. In Press.


 Kim et al. (2015). Early individualised manipulative rehabilitation without activity restrictions following lumbar open laser microdiscectomy improves early post-operative functional disability. 

Journal of Back and Muscular Rehabilitation. In Press.


Publications of His Research Project

Surgery only vs. Surgery combined with Osteopathy


Spinal Surgery and

Osteopathic Rehabilitation

(Kim et al, 2014)

Member & Association





Osteopathic Consultant



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COPYRIGHT © DR JOSEPH. KIM  All right reserved 

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